WWE Superstar Randy Orton teased a fan by calling her “Latino Ms.
Piggy” on Twitter, blasting her picture out to millions of his followers
… and wrestling fans are now on the attack.

The woman snapped a pic with Orton Sunday afternoon in Texas and then posted it online. But Orton tweeted the same photo shortly after to his girlfriend with a pretty mean caption.
“Look @kimklro I met the Latino Ms. Piggy today at the gym. I wish you were there to have a good laugh with me! #MsPig”
Turns out there’s some serious beef between the fan and Orton’s girlfriend … a few months ago the wrestler blocked her on Twitter for sending harassing messages to his girlfriend.
She also tweeted saying he was a douche when they took the photo.
Some wrestling fans were still pissed however … for example, “I lost all respect I had for @RandyOrton after reading that last tweet. You should be ashamed of yourself.”
The woman snapped a pic with Orton Sunday afternoon in Texas and then posted it online. But Orton tweeted the same photo shortly after to his girlfriend with a pretty mean caption.
“Look @kimklro I met the Latino Ms. Piggy today at the gym. I wish you were there to have a good laugh with me! #MsPig”
Turns out there’s some serious beef between the fan and Orton’s girlfriend … a few months ago the wrestler blocked her on Twitter for sending harassing messages to his girlfriend.
She also tweeted saying he was a douche when they took the photo.
Some wrestling fans were still pissed however … for example, “I lost all respect I had for @RandyOrton after reading that last tweet. You should be ashamed of yourself.”