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Friday 26 September 2014

13 Ways to cure acne/blemish and pimple

See that giant blemish growing on top of your nose, or those countless zits that make your forehead look like a cheese grater? Don’t worry. The problem of acne isn’t forever. There are many natural remedies that can help you say goodbye to these unsightly spots that make you never want to face the mirror. Here are the top remedies for acne that you should definitely try.

Acne Remedy # 1 – Baking soda

Many people attest to the teeth whitening powers of baking soda. But that’s not its only benefit. It can also be used for treating acne. To use baking soda as an acne remedy, mix baking soda and water. Dip a Q tip on the mixed paste and apply gently on the effected area. Let it stay for about 10 minutes. Rinse off with cold water. Cold water helps ensure that the pores are closed. Repeat twice daily, unless skin irritation or excessive oiliness occurs.

Acne Remedy # 2 – Lemon juice

Like baking soda, most people know lemon juice as a teeth whitener. What they don’t know is that this can also be effective in getting rid of zits. What you should do is to cut the lemon fruit in half. Rub the open side of the fruit on the surface of the acne. Do this gently. If there’s a stinging sensation, that means it’s working. How does lemon juice do the trick? It has citric acid that kills acne-causing bacteria. Just make sure that you rinse the lemon juice after. And don’t forget to use sunscreen before going out into the sun since citric acid can increase risk of sun damage.

Acne Remedy # 3 – Raw potato

Slice potatoes and put on top of the affected areas of the face or skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties can help in the healing process of the acne. Leave the potato slices for five to ten minutes before rinsing the face thoroughly with water.

Acne Remedy # 4 – Toothpaste

Toothpaste isn’t something you’d think of putting on your face. But to finally ditch those pimples for good, you might want to try this technique. How does toothpaste work? Toothpaste has a substance called silica, the same thing that you usually find in beef jerky bags. This substance can keep moisture out. That’s what it does to your pimple to destroy. Try to find a toothpaste that has silica but no sodium lauryl sulfate, which is too harsh for the skin.

Acne Remedy # 5 – Ice

What ice cubes do is that they close your pores to effectively tone down inflammation. Actually, anything cold can cause blood vessel constriction and thereby, decrease irritation and inflammation of the skin. This technique is especially helpful for people who have big facial pores.

Acne Remedy # 6 – Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has been hailed as an antibacterial miracle. It’s for this that you know that it’d also work well in zapping those zits away. One study compared the efficacy of benzoyl peroxide and tea tree oil in combating acne. Although the former works more quickly, tea tree oil has fewer side effects to worry about.

Acne Remedy # 7 – Aspirin

Grind two aspirin pills and mix with water until you’re able to form a sticky paste. Use a Q tip and gently dab the Q tip with a little bit of the mixture on each of the pimples on your face. Leave the mixture to dry before rinsing with cold water. Aspirin contains salicylic acid, a common ingredient in acne medications that fight bacteria that cause acne. While fighting the bacteria, this substance can also effectively dry out the pimples.

Acne Remedy # 8 – Potassium Alum

A natural astringent and antiseptic, potassium alum can also work wonders for your pimples. Apply gently the alum on your pimples. But be careful about overdoing it so as not to cause further irritation.

Acne Remedy # 9 – Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be used as a toner. It can destroy dead skin cells as well as clear those pores well. Be careful though as this can dry out your skin when used in excess. If it does, try diluting it with water before using on your face.

Acne Remedy # 10 – Honey

A natural antibacterial, honey is a quick solution to unwanted zits. It’s no wonder you can find it in many facial scrubs. What you can do is to put a little bit of honey on top of your zit. Leave it overnight. The next morning, you’ll be surprised. Your pimple has either completely vanished or has gotten smaller. You can also use this sweet ingredient to make a facial mask. For a clearer and visibly firmer skin, apply honey on your skin and leave it on for about an hour.

Acne Remedy # 11 – Brown Sugar

Scrub problem areas with brown sugar that can effectively remove dirt, dead skin cells, and oil that has clogged your pores. Not only will you have smoother skin after that, you’ll also notice a decrease in the size of your pimples. Use brown sugar as a facial scrub only two to three times every month so as not to cause overproduction of oil.

Acne Remedy # 12 – Eggs

The trick is to separate first the egg white from the yolk, then beat the egg white and spread it evenly on your face. Wait for about 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing it out. What does it do? It removes excess oil from the skin that causes pimples. You don’t have to throw the yolk away. It also has its own job. Rich in vitamin A, egg yolk can also combat acne by preventing bacteria production and clogging of pores. Apply the yolk on your face. Wait for it to harden and let it sit for about 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse it off. Use this facial mask once or twice a week.

Acne Remedy # 13 – Garlic

Garlic is a great way to ditch those dreaded breakouts. Crush two garlic cloves to squeeze the juice out. Apply that on your face for five to 10 minutes. Don’t let it sit any longer though, as it may cause burning sensation on your skin.

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